I think it’s about time for me to share my quest for distinction when I was in the U.K. last year. When I signed up for the MSc programme, I wanted to see nothing less than a distinction in the scroll that I would get at the end of one year. I am paying a hefty sum of money for this after all, so why not?
If you are a student, this is the “secret” I wish to share. I found it very useful to focus on the big picture. Every day I did my subconscious programming (though there were days that I missed, but those were very few) – I shall graduate with distinction. In order for me to do that, I had to first work out the scores I will have to attain in order to do that. Then, my mental image was that of an email result slip with "distinction" appearing at each subject code.
Practically speaking, I had no idea how I would attain it when I started out. But I carried on with only 1 driver – my faith. Eventually I did graduate with distinction. How did that happen? When I reflect I realise how things fell into place. I made good friends – who were willing to share resources and learn together. A lot of collaborative learning occurred, inside and outside class. I was able to find good resources to get ideas and write my papers – not everyone had success with that. I was able to focus and my articulation of thoughts improved.
The strangest thing also happened – I started to dream. My dream showed me the errors in my work. My dreams showed me how I could correct them. I started getting brilliant ideas. It got to a point where I started sleeping with a notebook and a lamp near my bed. Every time there was an obstacle (for example, identifying a dissertation topic), I found my solutions though many mediums like lecturers, friends, things, reflection on learning... somehow, it came to me. Subconscious programming – both negative removal and positive application did wonders -I see it as an indispensible tool, to fix everything – it was and still is, my one for all.
Of course, I wasn’t the best student. Of course, I could have done better – I attained 6 distinctions out of 9 subjects (got distinction for overall aggregate). Of course, I could have become the top student or win the best dissertation title, or even got a nomination. But I didn’t – why? Cos my only interest was to graduate with distinction... and everything fell in place to match exactly what I wanted.
My only advice to you if you are a student – be very very sure of what you want – cos that is exactly what you will get. Somehow, someway. But of course, you have to put in effort. Nothing works without effort. I did my part, I spent many, many hours reading, studying, writing, reflecting...etc. Besides my supportive family, my strongest pillar was my Divine Master, His Divine Grace.
I am still awed by this power... and it's all within us. If we can think it, we can become it.
Good Luck!
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Normally dislike any form of commenting, but whenever you read an excellent post occasionally you just need to get out of those lazy techniques. This is such a post!
Yoga Nyana sittar on Sri raja yoga guru saranam . Guruji is gave the self - esteem to us by correcting every mistake with right guidance . Guruji is the lamp which cloud make our life brighter on top of the sky who cannot reach simply .
After take dato Sri guruji meditation I felt a lot of changes in my life . Actually I'm not top in my school but I got 80\100 in my history exam spm trial . This is really proven the majesty of dato sti guruji and datin Sri .
YOGA JNANA SITTHAR OM SRI RAJA YOGA GURU SARANAM... im final year student and i juz gt bit confused and scared of my project presentation...ur post reli boost me up again...tx alot...
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